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Discover the magic of the written word and excel at school with our online English group tuition.


Would your child benefit from a higher level of interactivity in class, the spirited sharing of ideas and increased levels of motivation?

Our small and focused group classes have been the perfect choice for over 100 of our students already. 

Could our tuition help your child to excel too?

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Why choose a group class?

Little asian girl attending to online e-learning platform class from home while school has

Small and Focused Groups

The small class setting of only four children per group means that each child receives pro-active, personal guidance from the tutor but also allows for spirited interaction between students. Parents tell us that this creates a wonderful environment for comfortable creativity while ensuring that each student is fully supported throughout.

Accelerated Progression

In our group classes, we regularly see children pushing themselves further. Often, students encourage and motivate each other while constantly learning from one another's mistakes and ultimately improving upon them. Our classes are specifically designed to energize students to bounce off of each other in this way. Therefore, their rate of development is frequently higher. 

Active Participation 

The nature of a small, focused group class means that students are encouraged and often feel very comfortable participating actively with the tutor and their classmates during the lesson. Discourse flows naturally, ideas are shared freely and knowledge is strengthened through interaction, which aids overall understanding and enjoyment. This can be harder to achieve in one-to-one settings.

The Complete Package

Students in group classes benefit from the complete package that we offer. Detailed lesson feedback reports are sent after each class, along with individual weekly homework tasks, which are marked by your tutor. Classes can be recorded upon request for students to re-watch and review at their leisure. Additionally, at the end of each unit, all students are required to complete the unit assessment and will be awarded a final grade afterwards. 

Have a question?

Info on our available classes

The days/times listed below are currently available to book. Usually, all classes are 60 minutes long and take place once per week (can be ammended upon request). 

Parents have a wide range of unit options to choose from, which often consist of between 8-12 classes each with an assessment at the end of the course. These include narrative writing, persuasive writing, journalistic writing, modern literature, Gothic Fiction and many more (please see below). There are also options for exam specific courses such as for the IGCSE/GCSE English language and literature examinations. 

When requested, we can also design and deliver custom courses tailored to the specific requirements of as group. For example, if there is a specific book which a group would like to study etc.

Classes Available To Book Now

“Develop a passion for learning. If you do, you will never cease to grow.”
-Anthony J. D’Angelo

Mondays from July 22nd 2024

UK time: 9am

HK time: 4pm

Singapore time: 4pm

South Korea time: 5pm

Japan time: 5pm

This live online English class will occur once per week on Mondays at 9am (UKT) and will be hosted by Mitchell Luke, lead tutor at ML UK ENGLISH. 

It is available for small group classes only (4 students).

You can reserve this space for your child and three of their friends/classmates. 

Speak directly to Mitchell Luke before enrolling your group and then choose a suitable unit from our options. You will recieve a welcome pack and Zoom link after booking. 

Topic: to be confirmed with parents. 

Cost: £22 per student, per class. You pay for the full course upfront. £176 for eight lessons for one child.

All other time slots are currently reserved by in-progress group classes. Please contact us to reserve a place on our waiting list. 

Some of our most popular unit options
All units are based on the English National Curriculum and are adapted to the ages and abilities of specific groups.

Click on the images to reveal descriptions of each unit.

Find out more about us.

What we offer in one minute.

Meet Your Tutor!


A few words from lead tutor and owner of ML UK ENGLISH, Mitchell Luke.

"After graduating from university in the UK with a bachelor’s degree in English language and literature and then teaching English around the world in inspiring settings such as China, Peru, Bolivia and Spain, I decided, in 2019, to launch ML UK ENGLISH. Thousands of online classes and hundreds of satisfied students and parents later, I honestly believe that we deserve our hard-won reputation as a genuine, personable and success-driven online tutoring company. My own love for English, and specifically my passion for creative writing, is witnessed and imparted to our children in every class. I see it as a true privilege to be able to support our students on their journey to achieving and exceeding their academic and creative expectations while consistently building their confidence and subject knowledge. I very much hope that you join us in the near future. If you have any questions or queries, please don’t hesitate to contact me directly. Thank you!"

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We work with students from private and state schools in the UK and internationally 

Harrow International School, Hong Kong

Renaissance College, Hong Kong 

Diocesan Boys'/ Girls' Schools, Hong Kong 

Brighton College, Singapore

Westminster School, UK

What do our courses look like? 

Take a look at this unit outline for 'The Narrative Writing Course' for 10-12-year-olds.

Our most popular course! 


Course description 

Students: Leap into the immersive world of storytelling! During this 8-week course, you're guided through the fundamental elements of narrative writing. You will learn not only how to write inspiring setting descriptions and create believeable characters but also how to knit the story together in a fashion that's full of tension, drama and entertainment. Let's keep our readers' eyes glued to the prose and their fingers hovering, desperate to turn to the next page and discover what's next! 


Parents: Your child will leave this stimulating and engaging creative writing course feeling illuminated by the magic of the written word. Eight insightful lessons are spread over an eight-week period, leaving time each week to complete interesting homework tasks where students will have the opportunity to put what they have learnt into practice and show off their newly found skills.


The intimate class setting of only four children means that each child receives pro-active personal guidance from the tutor but also allows for spirited interaction between students. This combination creates a wonderful environment for comfortable creativity whilst ensuring that each student is fully supported throughout.


In phase one of this particular course, participants will be carefully directed through the fundamental elements of narrative writing. Together, through guided exploration, we will take an in-depth look at the following:


Lesson 1 - Creating Settings and Introductions

  • A look at some sensational settings from a few of the world’s best-loved narratives. How can we create a setting which instantly draws the reader into the world of your story? What’s the role of sensory language when describing settings?


Lesson 2 - Developing Characters

  • Building and developing characters which are both layered and believable isn’t always easy! In this lesson, we are guided through the process of character creation. Let’s find out what it takes to build a character which your reader is going to love or maybe love to hate! A ‘show not tell’ review is an added bonus in this session.


Lesson 3 - Narrative Structure

  • You’ve carefully considered your setting, created a character which you’re proud of and learned some key writing techniques. But how to start knitting all of that together? Join me to find out in this narrative structure session which will explore Freytag’s pyramid among some other gems!


Lesson 4 - Tension and Suspense

  • The tension and suspense in your story is what’s going to keep your readers’ eyes glued to the pages and what keeps their hands hovering over the page corners ready to turn over and find out what’s next! Let’s look at some amazing ways to build tension and create suspense in your stories!


Lesson 5 – Literary Devices

  • Do you know your alliteration from your anaphora? Are you in a muddle over metaphors? Perplexed by personification? Don’t worry, I’ve got you covered in this lovely lesson on literary devices!


Lesson 6 – Symbolism

  • Maybe you’ve always wondered why there’s almost always a bat ominously flying around in a gothic horror story. Or, why that author keeps referring to a tree? It’s got nothing to do with the story, right? Let’s discover the magic of symbolism together in this one.


Lesson 7 – Plot Twists

  • By now, we know what narrative structure is. We even know about Freytag’s pyramid which is our tried and tested template for creating a narrative that’s bound to engage our reader. In this lesson, we learn about arguably everyone’s favourite element of stories…the plot twist. – What? You mean it wasn’t Freddy who robbed the bank? It was Lucy after all? Mind blown!


Lesson 8 – Editing, Proofreading + Final Project for this Unit

  • Knowing how to construct an incredible story is brilliant. But, if we can’t present it in the right way, it’s not going to impres our reader. In this session, we learn not only about the importance of editing and proofreading but also how to do it effectively! – Oops, I meant ‘impress’. See, even the teachers have to proofread their work!


All learning will be consolidated with lesson feedback reports which outline the key features of the lesson and include the homework task for that week, ensuring that the knowledge gained during the lesson can be revisited and reviewed outside of lesson time.

Nearly all of our students who attend phase one of this course go on to phase two of the narrative writing course.  However, you also have the opportunity to choose from one of our other available units if you wish! 

I can’t wait to see you there!

Can't find a course which suits your schedule? 

Get in touch and we will try our best to set up a course for you! 

Email us at or via live chat. 


Why choose to enrol your child on a course with ML-UK ENGLISH?

So many creative writing courses solely centre around giving students writing prompts and asking them to get on with writing a story.


"Okay, here's a picture, write a short story about it for 30 minutes, I'll give you some feedback at the end of the class".

In my eyes, that's just not good enough. Children deserve more from their educators.


Yes, practice alone can aid improvement. However, this approach invariably means that progress is slow, and students soon get bored of the same old lesson structure, especially when they can't see the reward for their hard work.


Why? Because this standard format is not actually teaching them anything new!


The writing classes we provide do so much more than this. We take the time to teach. Our live online classes guide students through the intricate techniques required to produce inspiring and engaging pieces of writing.


Narrative structure, pace, tension, tone, character development, settings, imagery, figurative language, but to name a few!


The lessons and subsequent writing tasks become more nuanced and technical as the course goes on, but only at a comfortable pace for all of the students.


Confidence is key with young writers, and we always place this front and centre.


Every class in the course is followed by a bespoke feedback report for each young learner, which outlines the key points of the lesson alongside personalised tutor comments and the homework task for the week.


The effort we put in during classes is rewarded by far quicker development in students' writing.


When a student is excited about writing and consistently shows clear signs of development, that's when we know we're doing our job correctly. In fact, that result is what drives every planning session, every feedback meeting, and every class.

Qualified, Trusted and Reviewed Tutors 

See for yourself how the courses work

I sincerely believe that every child is capable of improvement. 

Students constantly surprise me. Take a look at this example.  

Marcus, 12 years old, Hong Kong 

Marcus was asked to write a story introduction in the gothic fiction style. His first draft was great! However, with a little guidance on utilising synonyms, personfication, 'show, not tell' and metaphors, Marcus was able to re-draft something which encaptultes the gothic horror style really well. Take a look! 

First draft

As I walked and walked with each step closer to the mansion, I was all wet, thinking I would never reach the mansion.  I looked around to find life but no one was there, I was stuck in a wet, dark and gloomy forest.  Everywhere I looked was just dark and creepy trees, they looked as if those trees were about to grab me.  I’m shivering from the cold, I felt scared, nervous and creeped out.  Suddenly something jumped out of the bushes grabbing my hand, there were several humans who looked as if they were dead.

Second draft 

As I trudged along, each step seemingly closer to yet further away from the mansion, the constant dreary drizzle almost drowned me, and I contemplated how I might never reach my destination. Frantically, I scanned my surroundings to find any sign of life, but no other human was there; rather, this wet, dark and gloomy forest isolated me from civilization. The long, jagged fingers of ancient trees jutted out, stroking and grabbling me as I struggled past them. I shivered from the bitter cold while my heartbeat raced and forced an icy sweat to emerge from my skin. Suddenly, something horrid hurtled towards me out of the bushes, snatching violently at my hand and dragging me into its pit.

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You might be thinking to yourself 'Is this course right for my child?'

It's a good question, so let's find out!

Our writing courses are right for your child if...

They are between the ages of 7-18 (varies by course) and have at least an intermediate level of English. 

They would like to see real progression in their writing and are willing to put the effort in to achieve that. 

They enjoy writing, but lack the confidence or know-how to write in a way which is exciting, engaging and entertaining.

Our courses are not right for your child if...

They are not willing to do homework assignments once per week. 

They are not willing to be respectful to the other students and tutor during classes. 

They think that just by attending the class their writing will naturally improve. - I wish this was the case but as with everything in life it does take some effort on everyone's part. 

What do you get when you enrol on a course with us?

Online meeting
Online Education
Image by Compare Fibre

A qualified, experienced and dedicated online tutor 

An enjoyable, insightful and productive course

Interesting homework assignments with constructive feedback

Image by Bram Naus
Image by Dima Solomin
Image by Thought Catalog

Feedback reports after each session with the key information from the class

Direct access to your tutor during working hours

All learning materials included for free

Frequently asked questions 

Can I arrange a private course for students who all know each other? 

Yes, certainly! Please contact us and we will do our best to arrange a private group course. 

What if I've paid for a course but now want to pull out?

You can either reschedule the course or forfeit 15% of the course fee. The remaining amount will be refunded to you. 

Can I meet the tutor before booking a course?

Yes! Please contact us to arrange.

Do I need to pay for any conferencing software or study materials?

No, everything is included within the course price. 

What will be taught on the course?

The curriculum for courses is posted in the course info which you will see after clicking the 'book now' button. 

What web conferencing is used for courses?

Zoom is used for all classes and courses with us. A link will be sent to you upon booking. 

Have some questions?

Not sure if group classes are right for your child? 

Contact us here and you will receive a speedy reply!

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